
DDH Compact Active, What’s Next?

DDH Compact Implementation Timeline On April 22, 2024, the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact (DDH Compact) was enacted in its seventh state. The compact legislation specifies that it will come into effect upon enactment of its seventh state. See the DDH Compact Map for an updated list of participating states. Although the compact has been […]
EMWN Law Memo

Response to “AADB Compact”

This memo was drafted to describe critical issues that have been identified in the AADB Dental and Dental Hygiene Compact as proposed by the American Association of Dental Boards (hereinafter, the “AADB Compact”). This Compact is styled as proposed legislation and was reviewed in light of the legal principles governing the creation and operation of […]

DDH Compact: Section by Section Summary

Section 1: Title and Purpose The purposes of this Compact are to facilitate the interstate practice of dentistry and dental hygiene and improve public access to dentistry and dental hygiene services by providing dentists and dental hygienists licensed in a participating state the ability to practice in participating states in which they are not licensed. […]

DDH Compact Basics

What is the DDH Compact? The Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact is an interstate occupational licensure compact. Interstate compacts are constitutionally authorized, legally binding, legislatively enacted contracts among states. This compact enables licensed dentists and dental hygienists to practice in all states participating in the compact, as opposed to them obtaining an individual license in […]

Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact Model Legislation

CSG and a diverse group of stakeholders including ADA, ADHA, state regulators, and others wrote the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact model legislation over the course of two years. After an extensive public review process it was finalized in January 2023. To introduce the legislation in your state, please use the model legislation linked below. […]